Michigan Supreme Court to Take On Right-To-Work

In a huge move, The Michigan Supreme Court will take on the challenge of ruling the constitutonality of Michigan right-to-work legislation passed in 2012. The controversial legislation has been in the midst of constant legal battle since it's passing. Read the Detroit Free Press excerpt below for more details:

"The Michigan Supreme Court will rule on whether state employees are covered by the right-to-work law passed late in 2012, the court said today.

The court said it will also consider a pension case affecting state employees.

The state’s high court issued orders accepting the cases and asked for briefs.

The Michigan Coalition of State Employees and other unions argue they are not subject to the right-to-work law because only the Civil Service Commission has responsibility for their work rules.

But the Michigan Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 ruling Aug. 15, said state employees are covered by the contentious law.

The law makes it illegal to require financial support of a union as a condition of employment.

When the state recently ratified a new contract for state employees, it kept the union language the way it is now pending the resolution of the court case."

Click the link below for the full Detroit Free Press article.

Categories: Case Summaries