Byron “Pat” Gallagher Appointed as Acting Jackson County Public Administrator


This year, Byron Gallagher was appointed as the acting Jackson County Public Administrator. His experience in this role is extensive. He had also been appointed as the acting Eaton County Public Administrator in 2023 and has been serving as the Ingham County Public Administrator since his appointment in 2008.

In Michigan, the public administrator for each county is appointed by the Michigan State Public Administrator. The county public administrator is the individual who is responsible for managing a decedent’s estate in the event an executor has not been named and there is no other person who is willing to take on this role. The public administrator’s role is to ensure that the assets in the estate are managed properly and distributed in accordance with the law.

Specifically, a county public administrator in Michigan assumes the following responsibilities:

  • Estate administration — The county public administrator is responsible for managing the administration of estates that do not have an executor or personal representative. This usually happens in cases where the decedent passed away without a valid will or the executor is unwilling to take on these responsibilities.
  • Identifying assets — The county public administrator has the responsibility to identify and secure the assets in a decedent’s estate, including personal property, bank accounts, real estate, investments, and other assets.
  • Notifying creditors and paying the decedent’s debts — A decedent’s creditors must be notified after their passing. The county public administrator is responsible for providing them with notice and satisfying any valid debts using the estate funds.
  • Asset distribution — Once the decedent’s debts and expenses have been paid, the public administrator distributes the decedent’s remaining assets in accordance with their will (if there is one) or Michigan’s intestate law.
  • Managing the estate — The county public administrator is responsible for managing the estate’s assets while the administration process is ongoing. This can mean selling real estate, managing investment properties, and handling any other financial affairs of the decedent.

All actions taken by the county public administrator are overseen by the probate court to ensure they are acting in the best interests of the decedent’s heirs — and compliant with Michigan law.

Contact an Experienced Estate Planning Attorney

It’s essential to have a comprehensive estate plan in place to ensure your estate is distributed in accordance with your wishes upon your passing. With offices in East Lansing, Mt. Pleasant, Grand Rapids, and Detroit, The Gallagher Law Firm is dedicated to working with clients and their families for their estate planning needs — and ensuring they have peace of mind. To learn more about how we can help you create an estate plan that meets your goals, contact us online or call (517) 853-1500.

Categories: Notable News