I learned of The Gallagher Law Firm working on a small condominium project in 2003. I was impressed with their knowledge regarding condominium laws and their ability to work with the municipality that governed the project.

The Gallagher Law Firm serves both my company and my family with legal support. We are very pleased with the estate planning and trusts established for the principals within our corporation. They also assisted my mother with a property damage claim and won the case for her, including legal fees from the defendant. It is very comforting having a legal firm that can support both business and personal legal issues under one roof.

The service and support from The Gallagher Law firm is nothing short of amazing. The technical staff working at the office respond quickly to time sensitive issues and have a wealth of knowledge to provide. I have always felt confident with their advice and have avoided potential business disasters based on their input.

We recommend The Gallagher Law Firm routinely to our staff, friends, and clients. I have not yet found an issue that they have been unable to support.